How to Choose A Good Knee Replacement Surgeon

Knee Replacement Surgeons Adelaide procedure is one of the most complicated procedures in medicine. Complications from knee replacement surgery can include the development of bone deterioration, infection, swelling, and blood clots. These complications occur in roughly one out of every ten cases. Most complications from knee replacement surgery can be avoided through early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Although the replacement of the knee does not always prevent complications, the following are important to understand to help prevent further injury or loss of function in the knee.

The most common complication from total knee replacement surgery is infection. Infection can occur in the incision areas, the sutures, the knee joint itself, or anywhere around the surgical site. Proper hygiene is important to avoid this complication. Antibiotics are often administered before, during, and immediately after surgery to minimize the chance of infection.


Other complications from knee replacement surgery include bone deterioration or osteoarthritis. If the bone around the thigh and hip bone is worn away due to trauma, this can also lead to bone pain, weakness, and dysfunction. If osteoarthritis is present, a physician will most likely recommend physical therapy as part of rehabilitation. This therapy is used to rebuild the bone around the knee and prevent further wear and tear.

Another complication of this surgical procedure that can be difficult for some patients to deal with is severe arthritis. Patients who have suffered a traumatic experience in their lives or those who have developed severe arthritis should consult a physician about this issue. Severe arthritis can cause the knee replacement procedure to become uncomfortable or even painful. In many cases, steroid injections are administered to reduce the pain and promote healing.

As with any surgery, you must consult with Knee Replacement Surgeons Adelaide before you make any major decisions. Your surgeon will discuss your case and give you the information you need to decide if this is the right option for you. You will also discuss physical therapy and exercises to help prevent a recurrence of this surgery. Often, physical therapy can help prevent a recurrence of the surgery, which is why you will likely be encouraged to do plenty of stretching exercises during the recovery period. By preventing future problems, the physical therapist can also help you achieve better flexibility and better strength.

Epidural pain is one of the most common reasons that people choose to have total knee replacement surgery. Although this type of pain generally goes away on its own within a few weeks, it can last up to six months for some people.  It is also strongly suggested that you speak to your doctor or surgeon about the possibility of having additional treatments done if your original treatment proves inadequate, click here.