The Best Conference Rooms Adelaide Have these 4 Features

Just because it’s used to hold meetings doesn’t mean there aren’t any ideal specifications for a conference room. In fact, conference rooms Adelaide need to have specific features that would make it the perfect meeting venue. The ideal shape of a meeting room, for instance, is square; allowing all participants to view the screen easily or see the speaker. So, when you’re looking for the ideal conference room to use at your next meeting. So, have a peek at this site and make sure it has the following features:


Square Shape

As what was just said, the ideal conference room must be square in shape. A square room not only provides participants with the ideal view of the speaker, as was mentioned but also allows maximum screen view from every angle. So before signing a contract for a venue, ask the sales manager to create a meeting room diagram that outlines chairs, tables, and audio-visual placements. Make sure you are satisfied with the entire setup.



High Ceiling

The ideal conference rooms Adelaide features high ceilings. In a recent survey that we did among participants of different meetings across Adelaide, they mentioned ‘ceiling height’ as a part of their likes and dislikes. This piece of information is rather interesting, considering how ceilings create a calm and relaxing atmosphere. According to most of their statements, the higher the ceiling, the better the overall experience. So, add this bit of detail to your search of the right meeting venue and see how it will improve the mood of your participants. Have a peek at this site if you’re looking for meeting rooms with high ceilings.


Built-in Audio-visual Equipment

Knowing your audio-visual needs, you can find out if your chosen venue has what you need. At the Playford, we have a built-in projector, whiteboards, speakers, etc. Our state-of-the-art system keeps the room less cluttered. Instead, it looks sleek and professional. Additionally, built-ins are also convenient since you won’t have to bring your own equipment. Just make sure that everything is functional to avoid any setbacks during the actual meeting.



Finally, the conference room you choose should feature multiple windows. A room with a view is the best feature for your meeting. Does it cause a distraction? Absolutely not! What it will do is provide some natural lighting to the room. It will also improve the mood and ambience of the space. Once the meeting begins, all eyes are up front, and the windows will be covered. But during breaks, it does feel good to be able to see a beautiful view from the outside before you get right back into it.


Again, the best conference rooms Adelaide has these features. If you’re tired of looking, have a peek at this site. You will get a full list of our conference rooms that have all of the features mentioned in this article.